Nico AllGood

Hello! 👋

This is my online home.

Generally speaking I like simple things1, good food, and mindfully-crafted products. I opened this blog to share personal learnings from my journey in the software engineering world, and also publish general musings!

Some more context

I’m a Software Engineer who started out in development => then grew into customer support because it was so much fun and rewarding to help out others => then ultimately arrived in the land of Product Marketing where I realized (against all odds?) that a software engineer can have equal fun and impact.

I use to not share much online, but who knows where my journey will lead me over the next years. So I figured it’s worthwhile posting my learnings in case they can be helpful to others (we’re all in this together, and if I can trigger some impactful ‘aha moments’ the same way they were eye-opening to me, then it’s win-win and I’ll be grateful!).

Thanks for reading along! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to drop a word, a question, a feedback, or even just a thought.💡

My online posts and guides

Work in progress! 🏗

  1. non exhaustive list of simple things - food, music, nature, silence, a casual chat, a nice restaurant, a good movie ...